Saturday 13 September 2014

I've Been Nominated For A Liebster Award!!♡

Well I've been nominated to do a Liebster Award.
For those of you who do not know what a Liebster Award is, it is first and foremost a chain letter. It isn't going to kill you if you do not forward it, it wont bring you money if you do. What it will do is help bring other bloggers and yourself together, it spreads your blog name around, hopefully in turn gets your blog more traffic, and brings the blogging community together.
I have been nominated by the lovely Ghosia, who owns the blog: Sign Before You Seal, go check her blog out, you won't be disappointed.
Here are the questions she asked me:
What made you start blogging?
A whole mixture of things really, I always kept a diary and love writing things down, so naturally I always loved the idea of keeping a blog, and sharing my views and opinions online. I did originally just help people on Yahoo Answers but it wasn't enough for me. So here I am, trying to make it some form of success, even if I only help one person with my posts, or even just cheer someone up, then I'll be happy. 
What is your favourite TV show?
Oh this is a hard one, I love TV shows and I buy them on DVD just so I can re-watch them! I would however have to say, Breaking Bad.
It keeps you hooked with every twist and turn, you get drawn into the story of a dying chemistry teacher who turns to the drug business, to make sure his family is secure once he's gone. It has highs and lows, funny moments and serious ones, and it doesn't hurt that Jesse Pinkman (Aaron Paul) is easy on the eyes.
Who is your favourite blogger?
There are so many amazing bloggers out there but I would have to say Zoella. She gave me the push I needed to start my own up. I suffer from anxiety and worry too much on what people think of me, but watching her go through it all made me think, "Hey if she can do it, then so can I".
What one food would you happily eat for the rest of your life?
A new favourite of mine would be, Shredded crispy chicken in ok sauce from my local chippy. So unhealthy but oh so tasty, I could eat it all day!
What is your favourite beauty product?
Oh Ghosia, you've given me so many difficult questions here haha! I'd have to say my eyeliner which is Collection Intense Colour in colour 01 Black Magic. It is one thing I always wear even if I'm not having a full make up day. I love  my eyes and always have, so I like to dramatize them. It may not be the best eyeliner out there, and it does smudge throughout the day (not helped by my oily skin type, boo) but it gives me the dramatic dark eye look that I like.
Are you a summer or winter kinda person?
Winter, I love the dark nights and all the things that happen around winter time; my birthday, Halloween, bonfire night, Christmas, etc.
What is your 'I wear this too much but it's okay, I love it' piece of clothing?
It has to be my oversized Mickey Mouse vest top, it's faded, discoloured, and old, but for some reason I love it!
Most interesting fact about you?
Oh, erm, I don't know, I wouldn't say I'm particularly interesting haha! I'd have to say it's the fact I broke my wrist when I was younger but never went to the hospital to have it fixed. Doesn't sound very interesting, but because I could still move my wrist, and I could bare the pain, I just carried on. It has however resulted in me having one wrist bone stick out significantly, and is always something that people notice and ask me about. It makes me unique, and I like it.
[EDIT:] Because of a question I read on Jade's reply post I would like to update my answer for this question. My new answer would be, the fact my eyes change colour. They can be; blue, green, grey and sometimes a touch of brown. I don't know why they do it, but I know it can be affected by my mood, for instance, they turn a bright blue after I have been crying, or they go grey when I'm in a crappy mood. If anybody knows why my eyes can do this then please let me know, as I'm clueless.
I don't know why I didn't think of this answer sooner, probably the fact I can see my wrist while typing, and not my eyes!
If you were granted one wish, what would it be?
I'm going to sound so materialistic here, but I'd love to win the lottery. I could do so much with it and make so many people happy, not only myself. I would also donate lots to charity.
If I couldn't have that I'd have to say go to Venice, it is a beautiful place, and one of my dreams.
So there you have it, my in depth answers to some amazing questions. Just thought I would answer thoroughly so people could get to know me a bit better.

My nominees are:
Brett Writes
Cloudy Ethereal
Eleanor's Blog
Hollys Little Beauty World
Life Of Jaydee
Salha Abuhayar
What The Fudge

I would nominate more, but with being a newbie you guys are the only ones I follow, that from what I've seen haven't yet done the Liebster Nomination, and if any of you have I'm sorry!

My questions for you girlies:

What is your ambition in life?

If you could only go to one place/country before you die, where would it be?

What is one item that you cannot go without?

What is your favourite colour and why?

Do you have any pets?

If life had an undo button, what would you undo?

What makes you different from everyone else?

If you could only drink one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Your favourite film?

If somebody made a film about your life, who would you want to play you?

How would you describe yourself?

Right there are my questions, now comes the 'rules', which I believe change quite often.

1. You must link back to the person who nominated you.
2. You must answer the questions given to you, and then come up with 11 of your own.
3. You then nominate 11 other bloggers with under 200 followers. (Unless you don't have that many yet that you follow, like myself)

I would like to thank Ghosia again for the nomination, and I would also like to welcome any new followers I gain because of this - Hiiiii!!

Thank you for reading, sorry it's so long winded but I love to talk haha!

Girlies who I've nominated, comment your nomination post down below, I'd love to read your answers and the questions that you ask others.

How would you answer some of the questions I was asked? Feel free to comment below and let me know.



  1. Thank you so much for the nomination!
    Here's the link to my Nomination Post: :)

  2. Thanks for the nomination, Tara!!

  3. Thanks for the nomination, I'll definitely try and get round to doing it in the next couple of days! xx

    1. You're welcome, will look forward to reading it :) x

  4. Replies
    1. Cheers darlin'! Thanks for the making me remember my eye colour fact haha! :-* x

  5. Thanks for the nomination! Here's my link:

  6. Great answers! I love this tag. It's so cool that your eyes can turn colour and I'd love to go to Venice too. I still keep diaries everywhere I go, but I guess that's also a reason why I blog too. Love your blog! xx

    The Life of Little Me

    1. It's a great tag isn't it, I had fun posting it. Thank you for the comment, and I'm loving reading your blog too x

  7. Thank you for nominating me, I will be posting my blog on Wednesday!

    1. You're welcome, I'll make sure I go check it out on Wednesday! x

  8. Thanks for the nomination :)
    You asked some tough questions! Here are my answers:
    Lucy x

    1. You're welcome, and I'm sorry about the questions haha! I'll go check it out now x


Thank you for your wonderful comment, and I do hope to see you around. I do try to reply to every single comment as soon as possible, so please check back soon. I also follow new followers to my blog, so keep your eye out for me on your page. LoveTaraBabii x